Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Anxiety - Treatment of it with the Radio

I had a close friend who had a sound system in her car. If she felt any anxiety - treatment of it began with good music- and it had to be loud! In fact, she used it two ways. If the problem was anxiety - treatment of it meant so loud that she couldn't think straight. Maybe that's why her hair was so curly. The second way she used it was when the engine made any unusual noises. Why visit a mechanic when she could turn up the volume? Good plan?

Maybe not….

Eventually, the noise would get worse, and lead to expensive repairs, right? Eventually, the anxiety would get to be unbearable? It certainly did – now, get this - she graduated as a psychotherapist. Go figure that out! I guess she needed 24/7 counseling! Anyways .....

Anxiety can't be treated by ignoring it and it can't be treated by ignorance. If we want a healthy and happy life, we have to keep life balanced. And balance starts with a balanced emotional state.

We can balance our emotions many, many ways - good food, good music (not too loud now), fresh air, exercise, time off, or change of scenery - lots of ways.

Sometimes we need a jump start, though, and that can be done safely with natural supplements. The word, natural, is important. We all know that nature's way is best. But, oftentimes, we don’t eat all the natural foods that our brain needs to work well. Nature is FULL of herbs that help balance our bodies.

Don’t you love those TV ads that say, "our remedy is the best, but it might kill you". Listen up and pay attention to what these ads say.

But nature doesn’t do that. With nature, there are NO disclaimers!

So, if you have a little anxiety – treatment of it can be as simple as a natural supplement.

Anxiety – Treatment of it the Holistic Way

At some time in our lives, all of us suffer some degree of anxiety. Treatment of it can be a minor or major process. It depends on the severity. All too often, we resort to some anti-depressant and leave it at that. The problem with that approach is that it hides the symptoms, but does nothing to resolve the cause of the problem.

This is the issue with so many professional interventions that camouflage symptoms but ignore the cause. A good example is the spine. The spine is a powerhouse of nerves that control major areas of the body. The spine does more than just hold us together. It relays the brain's messages to make our legs move; it sends and receives messages from the heart and lungs. It relays the message that our toes are still there! It is our own personal internet that connects us into one functioning body.

It is our own personal internet that connects us into one functioning body.

What happens if there's a glitch in the web server? You can't access information, or maybe it's so slow you can't use it. What happens if you "feel" the toe is hurting, but really it's a spine "server" problem. You get the idea?

Our body is far more complex, and our "internal internet" needs the best to do its best.

Giving your spine the best - means taking care that it is in good health – before it breaks down and causes issues in other areas of the body. Ask your chiropractor, if the spine can't cause symptoms in other parts of the body.

So, would it help to hide the symptoms?

Would it be better to find the cause of the symptoms - and remove the cause?You can reduce anxiety - treatment of it may be as easy as a visit to your local chiropractor. Believe me, it's a lot cheaper than brain surgery.

Anxiety - Treatment of it with Healthy Food

We don't have to suffer from anxiety - treatment of it can be very easy with healthy food. We've all heard about the food pyramid and how we should eat a balance of carbohydrates, and fruit and cereals, and etc.

But how many of us do it?

Let me give an example. A car needs gas to run, but it also needs water to keep cool, and oil so it won't seize up. What else does it need?

Well, at least a battery so that it can start! Right. Why have all that other stuff, if it won't start?

Our body is exactly the same. The heart needs food, the lungs need different food, the brain has other requirements. When I say food, I mean nutrition - different elements that are essential to the health of each part of the body. Common sense, right?

Which part of the body is the control center? Silly question. It's the brain! If the brain isn't getting the right elements it needs, then how can we expect it to run properly!

This is a major reason why people suffer anxiety. The brain is complaining. It's trying to get our attention! It can't keep us balanced because the brain itself isn't balanced!

How can we fix this. Easy!

Start with healthy food, lots of water, exercise, and sunshine. OK, you want to jump start. You're a microwave fan, I can tell.

Jump start with a natural supplement that gives your brain some "brain food". It'll help you get more balance very quickly. But, do take nature's way - take natural supplements. The synthetic, artificial stuff is just trying to fool your body.

Would you put an artificial battery in your car? No - you give it the best to jump start your day!

So, get rid of anxiety - treatment of it starts right now. You can get more information on any of the links above.
Modern life carries a heavy load, including attacks of anxiety - treatment of anxiety can be worse than the anxiety! Some solutions are not so good! Daily grind activities like school, performance targets, fear of layoffs, salary cuts, unfair competition, peer pressure, time away from home and family – the list goes on and on. Life doesn’t seem to get any easier, does it?

But, you can do a lot to relax and slow down. One way is to help your brain in producing its own natural feel-good chemicals. Do this by eating fresh fruit and vegetables, whole grain foods; getting lots of fresh air and sunshine, and regular exercise.

Another benefit of healthy food and exercise is that your digestion gets a better chance to eliminate the toxins that stress creates.

Many artificial remedies may produce side effects that create more problems than they resolve. One reason often is that they treat the symptoms but do not help to alleviate the cause. A simple example is a headache. OK, you take something strong for the headache. That "hides" the symptom but does nothing to locate the cause of the pain. Maybe it's in your spine, or your leg. So the problem continues on, but the remedy did nothing to resolve it.

Natural remedies, however, are made from 100% natural ingredients that can help to strengthen the nervous system. This helps keep our nerves more settled and soothedand enables us to cope better with the stresses of modern life.

Natural remedies have been used in medicine for thousands of years to support the healthy functioning of the brain, nervous system, and many organs of the body. Our grandparents knew a lot more about plants and remedies than we do. If you travel overseas you will see many countries and cultures which routinely use all sorts of teas and potions made from natural substances. Ever heard that the Amazon jungle contains more natural remedies than we ever dreamed of?

We don't have to be slaves to anxiety. Treatment of anxiety can be easier than you think. If in any doubt, always consult your physician. Treatment may be as simple as a natural boost of naturally occurring elements which a healthy body needs for optimum performance.

Anxiety - Treatment of It with Passion!

Our modern lifestyle has a major downside, including extreme anxiety; treatment of which can be just as stressful! Exhausting activities like deadlines, exams, interviews, performance targets, layoffs, salary cuts, unfair competition, peer pressure, time away from family and loved ones – the list goes on forever - and – and – and - it doesn’t get any easier, does it?

Oftentimes the demands may be so overwhelming that it seems almost impossible to slow down and take a deep breath. The result - we worry and lose sleep about pretty much anything and everything. This can spiral down into symptoms of anxiety and panic.

A lot can be done to relax and just slow down. One way is to help our brain produce its own natural feel-good chemicals by eating lots of fresh fruit and vegetables and whole grain foods; getting plenty of fresh air and sunshine, and exercising regularly.

Practicing relaxation techniques, meditation or taking time for a walk can all help to reduce stress levels and facilitate a feeling of calm – helping us to wind down and relax.

Many artificial remedies can produce side effects that create more problems than they resolve. The reason often is that they treat the symptoms but do not help to alleviate the cause. They can fix the pain, but hurt our stomach, or whatever.

However, natural remedies are made 100% from natural ingredients that can help to refresh our nervous system and keep our nerves settled and soothedto enable us to cope more easily with the everyday stresses of rush.

Natural remedies can help relieve anxiety; depression can be conquered – naturally.

In fact, natural remedies have been used routinely in medicine for thousands of years to support the healthy functioning of the brain and nervous system. Our grandparents knew a lot more about plants and remedies than we do! If you travel overseas you will see many countries and cultures which use daily all sorts of teas and potions made from natural substances. Are these remedies some hocus pocus? No way!

They work to relieve anxiety, stress, and all their symptoms!

There are many published clinical studies demonstrating the ability of a wide range of herbs to support the normal functioning of the brain and nervous system and maintain a healthy balance - which will always assist with staying calm under pressure.

One of them is the curiously named, “Passion Flower" which is used in the treatment of generalized anxiety. In Brazil, the fruit from this beautiful flower is ground and taken as a delicious soothing juice. They don't take is as a remedy - it's a common refreshing drink at any time of day. Ask Brazilians if they are anxious! You guessed right - they are happy people!

This is the natural way to calm down. We don't have to be bound to anxiety. Treatment of anxiety can be much easier than we think. This may involve professional intervention, and of course, if in any doubt, always consult your physician. Treatment may be as simple as a natural boost of naturally occurring elements which a healthy body needs for optimum performance.