Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Anxiety - Treatment of it with the Radio

I had a close friend who had a sound system in her car. If she felt any anxiety - treatment of it began with good music- and it had to be loud! In fact, she used it two ways. If the problem was anxiety - treatment of it meant so loud that she couldn't think straight. Maybe that's why her hair was so curly. The second way she used it was when the engine made any unusual noises. Why visit a mechanic when she could turn up the volume? Good plan?

Maybe not….

Eventually, the noise would get worse, and lead to expensive repairs, right? Eventually, the anxiety would get to be unbearable? It certainly did – now, get this - she graduated as a psychotherapist. Go figure that out! I guess she needed 24/7 counseling! Anyways .....

Anxiety can't be treated by ignoring it and it can't be treated by ignorance. If we want a healthy and happy life, we have to keep life balanced. And balance starts with a balanced emotional state.

We can balance our emotions many, many ways - good food, good music (not too loud now), fresh air, exercise, time off, or change of scenery - lots of ways.

Sometimes we need a jump start, though, and that can be done safely with natural supplements. The word, natural, is important. We all know that nature's way is best. But, oftentimes, we don’t eat all the natural foods that our brain needs to work well. Nature is FULL of herbs that help balance our bodies.

Don’t you love those TV ads that say, "our remedy is the best, but it might kill you". Listen up and pay attention to what these ads say.

But nature doesn’t do that. With nature, there are NO disclaimers!

So, if you have a little anxiety – treatment of it can be as simple as a natural supplement.

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